MAR-CIS (MARine Chemical Information Sheets)

Databank tool created for marine pollution response authorities, port authorities and coast guards from EU member states.

Developed by the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA).

Chemical data sheets can be accessed through the EMSA portal and they contain information on

  • identification (reference numbers and names of the HNS)
  • HNS key properties (main hazards, physical and chemical properties, appearance and behaviour)
  • hazards & risks (classification and labelling, health and environmental hazards)
  • HNS shipping information (explanatory notes from IMDG, IBC and IMSBC codes)
  • emergency measures (emergency health measures, emergency measures on board vessels, exposure safety limits, environmental protection measures and danger zones for six different spill scenarios)
  • graphical representation of the GESAMP hazard profiles
  • case histories (past incidents involving the substances and response used)

Mobile app available




Allows users to search, print and share the datasheet as PDF files

Updated once a year



Access only for authorized users